Lo que tenéis aquí arriba es el vídeo resumen de una de las carreras más frikis que uno se puede encontrar hoy en día. Se trata de carreras de unos cinco kilómetros de recorrido campo a través en los que los participantes deberán sortear diversas hordas zombies. Sí, señores “La carrera de los zombies”, un tipo de carrera se lleva celebrando desde hace tiempo periódicamente en EEUU y en unos meses llegará a España.
The Belgium anthropologist Jean Pierre Dutilleux discovered the unknown tribe called, The Toulambis, in Papua, New Guinea in 1993. The had never seen a white men before in their lives and according to them, the white men were "zombies", living dead. You can clearly see their astonishment and fear when they are offered a helping hand by Jean Pierre.
Touching video with ambient music, after 13:40 you can hear their actual voices. Jean Pierre even records a small song or conversation and plays it back for them. When they hear it you can clearly see their disbelief over such 'black magic'.
Since then their population has decimated, due to the effects of Western diseases.
Rafflesia arnoldii is the world’s largest flower having a diameter of about one meter and weighing up to ten kilograms. It is a rare flower and not easily located. It grows only once a year and blooms for around five days. According to researches in discovery news, this flower that looks and smells like rotting flesh is related to flimsy flowers like violets, poinsettias and passionflowers. Hence it also called as “meat flower” or “corpse flower”. The flower is pollinated by flies and carrion beetles attracted by its vile smell. It contains about 27 species and found in Indonesian rain forests of southeastern Asia and Philippines. Rafflesia is an official state flower of Indonesia, Surat Thani Province in Thailand and Sabah state in Malaysia.